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After vacation

After 3 weeks of not seeing them, i have really missed the Questioneer’s kids during their Summer vacation. They all came back expressing how much they have missed this class and miss the experience overall of planning and shooting.

Before their summer vacation started, we have decided that the assignment they will be working on during this time was to each write a story and tell us about it in the first session comeback.

And so that happened but inorder to put them back on track, we decided to let the Questioneers kids go explore and take a shot of an old door in an artistic way before telling their stories.

I divided them into groups and each group made up of two kids. They came back with great shots actually which surprised me!

Afterwards, the story telling session started and each kid went up and told us about the story he or she wrote. All were actually really good but there was one specific story that stuck in my head and absolutely loved it!

The story belonged to Nada and it said: there was this old man with 3 kids that rarely asked about him and cared a little. So he was really sad about this and to fix this he told them he has a box filled with money and they will get it when they come. In fact this box was filled with stones and not money. Every time they came he postponed giving it to them hoping they will love him and have a connection with him. the plan actually worked and they started loving him, took good care of him and always were beside him. One day he passed away so they came to take the box only to find out that its empty of money and full of stones. This is where they realized money has no value so they were so sad about the time they didnt spent on seeing their father earlier.


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